Accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, are a way for homeowners to maintain their existing house and create new living quarters on their property. Whether they choose to use it as a guest house, a long term rental, or additional entertainment space, the rise in ADUs have turned them into a statewide phenomenon.
The client, a colorful 92 year-old, worked as an interior designer since the 70’s. She has designed a hotel or a few and even her own family home. She started with a single-story house in Venice, expanded it under her own direction to two stories to raise her family and now looks to downsize back to smaller quarters with the construction of a new ADU right in her backyard. She commissioned Venn Studio to design a smaller more contemporary version of the front house where she could enjoy a simpler life. A sloped white volume perched atop a stucco podium situated next to the existing garage; just enough space for her beloved iMac, favorite furniture, and maybe even a David Hockney too.